Just right, Minnano, Sundays Best, anti social social club, girls dont cry, bal original, the good company brain dead/Needles/UNUSED/affix/gosha rubchinskiy/sasquatchfabrix./supreme/stussy/undefeated/verdy/brain dead/the good company/fucking awesome/lqqk studio/minnano/only ny/palace skatebords/girls dont cry/wasted youth/vainl archive/bal/know wave
Just Right
カラー : ティールブルー / Color : Teal Blue
定価: ¥17,500
コットン 100% / Cotton 100%
日本製 / Made in Japan
着丈 / Length : 66cm
身幅 / Width : 65cm
肩幅 / Shoulder : 55cm
袖丈 / Sleeve : 57.5cm
Just right, Minnano, Sundays Best, anti social social club, girls dont cry, bal original, the good company
brain dead/Needles/UNUSED/affix/gosha rubchinskiy/sasquatchfabrix./supreme/stussy/undefeated/verdy/brain dead/the good company/fucking awesome/lqqk studio/minnano/only ny/palace skatebords/girls dont cry/wasted youth/vainl archive/bal/know wave